This post is a part of the new Game Time series, featuring awesome, fun and unusual games you can play with friends and family to make your life a little more adventurous.

The Game Time Series: The Green Man Game

The premise of the green man game is pretty similar to that of the bus game, only this time you’re exploring on foot rather than by bus.

Grab a friend or two and get yourself into a city centre; it can be a town you know well or one you’re exploring for the first time.

Choose a street and a direction and start walking. Keep walking and following the path without crossing a road until you see a green man. Then cross the road.

Keep walking in the same direction and following the new path you’re on, until the next time you see a green man. Again, cross the road. You get the idea!

Of course you can stop as often as you like to explore the shops and cafes you might pass by. There’s just one rule that cannot be broken; you cannot cross a road unless you see a green man!

Waiting at a crossing for the green man to appear is generally frowned up on; though walking ridiculously slowly past a red man in the hopes that it will soon turn green is totally acceptable, especially if you’ve found yourself wandering around the same block repeatedly!

Just remember to bring a map with you to find the way home once the game is over!

Which games do you like to play when you’re exploring a new city?

PS. If you know of any fun and unusual games you would like to be featured in this series, just drop me a line at everchangingscenery [at] gmail [dot] com.