After two bright, sunny days in Cambridge, on our third and final day we were greeted by grey skies and a seemingly never-ending drizzle. Our third day in the city was also the last chance we would have to go punting; the main reason I wanted to go to Cambridge in the first place.

We put it off for as long as possible, taking refuge in a local pub while hoping the clouds would clear and the sun would regain it's place in the sky. When it did eventually dry up a little, we took our chances and jumped on board one of the boats.

We tucked ourselves in to the dry, warm blankets that were provided and rejoiced in the fact that the rain had temporarily stopped. As the boat meandered along the river, the guide pointed out the different buildings and told us tales of student pranks and college rivalries.

Unfortunately the dry patch did not last long, and the rain soon started to pour down from the sky once more. We huddled under umbrellas, peering out at the sights as we passed them by, laughing at the irony of doing such a traditional English activity in such typical English weather!

By the time the tour came to an end we were soaked through, and once again took refuge in a local pub. We hung our coats up to dry and filled our stomachs with beef burgers and steak sandwiches. Just as the coats had dried, it was time to head back out into the rain and make our way to the train station.

We did not let the bad weather dampen our spirits though, and recounted our favourite activities of the weekend we had enjoyed in Cambridge. We were sad to say goodbye to this city we had fallen in love with so quickly, but grateful for all the memories we had made in our short time there.

I would definitely recommend Cambridge as a perfect city for a weekend break, and will undoubtedly be returning there at some point in the future myself.

Where is your favourite place to go for a weekend away?

PS. You can also find out what we got up to on our first day and second day in the city.