The entries have closed, the votes have been counted and the winner is...


That's right, we let you decide where we should go for a weekend away, and you chose Cambridge.

It wasn't even a close call. Liverpool had a mere one vote and Nottingham was favoured by only two commenters, while Cambridge took the lead with a total of nine votes!

I couldn't be more excited, and to be honest I secretly hoped Cambridge would win! In just a month's time we'll be exploring the city's museums and art galleries, taking a punt ride down the river and admiring the beautiful colleges. Don't forget to hit the subscribe button below if you want to hear all about it!

That's not the only winner to announce though. As a little incentive to get you voting, I offered the chance for one commenter to win a postcard from the chosen destination, and Real Gunner was the lucky winner. A postcard will be making it's way to you very soon!

(For anyone concerned with the behind the scenes of this mini giveaway, the winner was chosen by using this random number generator. I popped in the low and high numbers, one and twelve, then it randomly selected the number eight, so the eighth commenter won the prize!)

Have you ever been to Cambridge?

PS. You can now read all about what we got up to on our weekend away; check out day one, day two and day three.