This last month I have pretty much wanted to go everywhere or do everything I have read about. I blame the rainy, miserable weather that we've been having too much of in the UK; it has left me thinking and dreaming of travel even more than usual! Check out the links below for some of the best articles I've read over the past month that make me want to jump straight on a plane.

I want to go to the beautiful little town of Seaside, Florida.

I want to go on an 'Instawalk'; a guided walk, where everyone takes photos on their smartphones and shares them in real time.

I want to go on all the rides at Movie World, Australia.

I want to explore the Australian Outback and I want to do so in a camper-van.

I want to see the Great Wall of Mumbai; I can't believe I spent a month in the city and had no idea this existed.

I want to go to Montenegro and be surprised by the beauty and charm of the place.

I want to travel across Malaysia; there is so much variety and beauty in the country.

I want to go rafting in Argentina, and I want to own a GoPro camera!

I want to eat at this amazing looking restaurant in Malta.

Which blog posts have made you want to change all your travel plans?

PS. If you loved this round up, you'll love this list of the six awesome new travel blogs.