Before travelling to India, I had never seen a Bollywood movie. So when we watched one a few days after arriving in the country, I was rather confused.

One second the characters are mourning the death of a friend, the next they are singing and dancing, then it is straight into a love scene, followed by a dramatic car chase. Everything happened far too quickly and none of it made any sense.

It would all be explained soon though, as a few days later we visited the Mumbai Film Academy, one of the top ten movie schools in the world. The visit itself was a lovely experience, what with the school being out of the city, surrounded by luscious green hills covered in a thick layer of vegetation. The views were magnificent and the pace of life seemed a lot calmer than anywhere else I'd been in Mumbai so far.

First things first, we had a lesson on typical Bollywood movies. While Western films are designed to appeal to specific audiences and normally follow the 'rules' of their genre, Bollywood films are intentionally made to appeal to everyone and cover all genres. People watching Bollywood movies want to see romance, comedy, action, singing and dancing all in one. The film I had watched a few days earlier was making a lot more sense already.

I already had a feeling that the Bollywood industry was quite a big deal, what with their being nods to it in many aspects of Indian life, but I was soon to find out just how big it is. Bollywood is the largest film industry in the entire world, in terms of the number of movies produced and the number of cinema tickets sold. But, even more shockingly, the movie Avatar made more money in the year it was released than the Bollywood industry as a whole did in the same year.

That was the most remarkable fact that we learnt at the film school. The rest of the day was spent finding out about specific movies and actors, the history and origins of Bollywood, and the filming methods and editing techniques used, but to be honest most of this escapes my memory. I will, however, never forget just how big and small the Bollywood film industry is at the same time.

Have you ever seen a Bollywood movie?

PS. Make sure you check out these top tips for visiting India too.


  1. Nice to know your take on Bollywood movies. Since I have grown up watching Bollywood movies, it's difficult for me to relate with you, but I can understand your amusement.

    1. Catherine19 April, 2014

      I guess it's totally different if you've just grown up with them! Was there a moment when you experienced Western movies for the first time? Or did you grow up with both?

    2. No, I didn't watch western movies as a kid. I like watching them now once in a while. I like the subtlety of English films, but I find my Bollywood films more entertaining! :)

  • Michele {Malaysian Meanders}14 April, 2014

    I've never seen a Bollywood movie, but I always seem to enjoy the Bollywood dance style. I think I would have been equally confused about how that movie hit all the different genres. Going to a Film Academy seems like an interesting experience and a good way to to learn more about the industry.

    1. Catherine19 April, 2014

      I love the dancing :) Though it is surreal when they're all dancing about just after someone has died... You have to watch one, just so you can see how surreal it all is!

  • I absolutely love Bollywood movies! Maybe because I love a lot of action and who doesn't love dancing?

    1. Catherine19 April, 2014

      Yeah, I love watching the dancing, so pretty :)

  • I've only seen one Bollywood film and I really loved it! :) It was so colorful and fun. I'd like to see more in the future. :)

    1. Catherine19 April, 2014

      They are definitely very colourful! The same could probably be said for al aspects of Indian life though :)

  • I studied film at Uni so I have a real love for world cinema; a trip to the Mumbai Film Academy sounds like great fun!

    1. Catherine19 April, 2014

      It was lots of fun, a little surreal, but learnt so many interesting things there!

  • memographer18 April, 2014

    I can't believe you hadn't seen Bollywood movie before, Catherine [smile]
    I saw about 40-50 I think. It is like watching a good fairytell by Disney [smile]

    1. Catherine19 April, 2014

      I know, it's a bit embarrassing to say that was the first time I saw one and they've been popular worldwide for years now!
