When I was growing up, those summers that did not involve a fortnight in Ireland, usually involved a fortnight in France. Normally in Brittany, more often than not in Carnac. And it just so happens that Carnac is home to the most amazing ice cream parlor in the entire world - L'Igloo.

My memories of this place are crystal clear, so as I delved into the family photo albums to find some pictures, it came as quite a surprise to find that the last time we were there I was only twelve years old! That's me on the right up there with the brother on the left, both so happy to have finally been considered old enough to cope with the twelve scoop special!

So, what gives me the right to call this place the best ice cream parlor in the world? Let's start with the number of different ice cream flavours they have - over 170. Stop and think about that number for a second; one-hundred-and-seventy. That's a lot of flavors. I'm not sure if it still does, but at one point L'Igloo actually held the world record for the greatest number of different ice cream flavors available in one place.

Feeling like something a little traditional? They've obviously got chocolate, vanilla and strawberry. Want something a bit more fruity? How about cherry, pineapple, banana, melon or kiwi. Something with more of a kick? Try the wine, whiskey or beer flavored ice creams. Or are you after the downright surreal? There's carrot, leek, potato or curry.

We actually tried the curry and potato ice creams once. Well, when I say we, I really mean my dad. He was the only one brave enough to actually order them, but we all had a little try. To be honest, they were both pretty good. Not sure I'd want a whole scoop to myself, but not as repulsive as you might think at first.

It's not only the number of flavours that make this place so amazing though, but the fact that they all tasted delicious. And the homemade cones, in different shapes and sizes, with different chocolate coatings. The range of sprinkles and sauces. The sweet shop on the side that sold every type of candy known to mankind. The stand making fresh cotton candy, with fluffy pink clouds bigger than your head.

The list of delights is endless, but I can't help but wonder if it is really as good as I remember or if I'm looking back with rose tinted glasses. I guess I'll have to go there again to find out!

Where is your favourite ice cream parlor?

PS. If you've got a sweet tooth you'll love this cheesecake story too.


  1. Mike29 March, 2014

    The big thing at my work (for dessert runs) here is U-Swirl...frozen yogurt. I don't put in an order very often but when I do it's Red Velvet! That is a huge plate of ice cream above! I would love to try whiskey flavored ice cream too. What is your favorite flavor, Catherine? :)

    1. Catherine02 April, 2014

      Frozen yoghurt hasn't become as popular in the UK as it seems to be in the US, only actually tried it once! There's too many to choose a favourite flavour, but mint choc chip is definitely up there with the best!

  • Corinne30 March, 2014

    I'm planning a trip to Normandy...and L'Igloo is now on my your dad, I can't waste a perfectly awful sounding ice cream flavor!

    1. Catherine02 April, 2014

      Ooh, if you make it to L'Igloo you'll have to let me know if it's as good as I remember!

  • Silvia @ Heart My Backpack30 March, 2014

    Love this photos!! And love ice cream shops that get really creative with the flavors :)

    1. Catherine02 April, 2014

      Glad you like them :) You know you're going quite far back in time when you have to dig through photo albums instead of computer files!

  • Brikena30 March, 2014

    not big on ice cream (i know) but i will say i'm a little envious of your childhood summers in Ireland and France... ahh, a girl can dream haha

    xo, Brikena

    1. Catherine02 April, 2014

      How could you possibly not love ice cream?!! That's insane!

  • Annette | Bucket List Journey31 March, 2014

    170 flavors? That sounds like a little bit of heaven!

    1. Catherine02 April, 2014

      It totally is heaven :)

  • Agness Walewinder31 March, 2014

    The curry and potato ice cream? I just can't imagine how it might taste to be honest... but I would love to try this combination once!

    1. Catherine02 April, 2014

      It was kind of sweet from what I remember. Definitely worth trying!

  • Suzanne Fluhr31 March, 2014

    I admit that when I first saw the title of your post, I assumed this ice cream parlor would be in the United States where we have a tendency to do everything to excess. I lived in England in 1969-1970. The ice cream was terrible. I think Europeans have caught up in the ice cream world. P.S: Italy has had its I've cream act together for a long time. Gelato. Yum.

    1. Catherine02 April, 2014

      Haha. Have never been to USA, so there's probably much better ice cream parlors over there to be honest! Should have thrown in a disclaimer that the title is probably not true!

  • Amy31 March, 2014

    I love ice cream! Visiting Italy was heaven for me but it looks like this ice cream parlour gives Italy a run for its money! I wouldn't be keen on the weird flavours way ;)

    1. Catherine02 April, 2014

      Ah, would love to try some real Italian ice cream, can just imagine it would be delicious :)

  • Jess @UsedYorkCity31 March, 2014

    That cotton candy! WOW! I think ice cream is certainly one of those foods that evokes childhood memories. I remember going to Dairy Queen during the summer with my family and getting cookie dough favorite til this day!

    1. Catherine02 April, 2014

      Ooh, cookie dough blizzard sounds real good :)

  • Michele {Malaysian Meanders}02 April, 2014

    170 flavors! That's amazing. Perhaps I could get the potato & curry as my excuse to have ice cream for dinner. My girl is impressed by your massive cotton candy. I like making ice cream myself as the Malaysian stuff is either horrible or incredibly expensive. My favorite homemade ones so far are Coconut Palm Sugar as well as Dragonfruit Mint.

    1. Catherine02 April, 2014

      Ooh, have never made homemade ice cream, have always kind of wanted to but never got around to it. They both sound really tasty though :)

  • Patti Morrow08 April, 2014

    What a fun piece! I try to eat ice cream wherever I travel in the world. Even if the local food is not to my liking (like Japan), no one can mess up ice cream, right? Love the photo of you with the cotton candy -- priceless!

    1. Catherine12 April, 2014

      You're totally right, I can't think of a single time I've had 'bad' ice cream :)

  • eemusings15 April, 2014

    Honestly, I think it might have been Bi-Rite in San Francisco. Otherwise, almost any gelato place in Italy, or here in Auckland, Kohu Rd!

    1. Catherine19 April, 2014

      I am yet to visit Italy, but from what I've heard when I eventually do I will probably have to write 'The Best Ice Cream Parlor In The World Part Two'! Haha.
