At the end of last year we moved house. Same city, but a completely different area. An area that I barely knew the location of before we moved, one that I definitely had not spent enough time exploring. And it might have been three months since we moved, but I still hadn't seen a lot of the neighbourhood, until last weekend...

The sun was shining, the dog needed a walk.

I dragged my little sister out of bed and persuaded her that a walk would help cure her hangover.

Some of the best parts of the day happened before we even left the house. Like discovering this little ladybird that I befriended.

You know how normally when you pick up a ladybird and sit it on your hand, it flies away after five seconds? Well, this one didn't. It just sat on my hand for ages. In the end, tired of keeping my hand still, I moved it to my shoulder.

Yes, that's a selfie of me and my new friend; if you look really closely, that little speck of red on my left shoulder is the ladybird. She stayed there for at least half an hour while I went about my business. To be honest I was a little heartbroken when I noticed she had finally gone!

Before we set off my mum, who is normally responsible for walking the dog, drew us this little map of the best places to go.

It didn't make much sense to me either. Luckily my dad was on hand and showed me what she was talking about with an actual map on his phone.

We set off. First we passed some donkeys and a pony.

The last picture doesn't really do the size of the pony justice; it was the tiniest pony I have ever seen! It was only about an inch taller than the dog. It was really friendly though, came right up to the fence to say hello. 

To be honest, I think he was only interested in getting fed and unfortunately we didn't have any food for him.

Churches are always so picturesque, but the shining sun made this look even more stunning than usual. Plus, it was surrounded by daffodils.

After all the walking, with the sun still shining, we thought it was only right to sit in the beer garden at the local pub and enjoy a strawberry cider.

It was such a lovely day and resulted in me really appreciating what a beautiful part of the world I already live in. I'm still desperate to travel the world as soon as possible, but mini adventures like this are all that is keeping me sane for the time being!

Which is your favourite photo?

PS. For more mini adventures, check out these posts on a day at the farm and visiting a maize maze.


  1. thisbeijinglife13 March, 2014

    Aww you making me miss England now! You can't beat England in the sunshine. Countryside and some cider- perfect! :-)

    1. Catherine16 March, 2014

      Yeah, it's made me realise how much I'm going to miss England when I get out of here!

  • Neva Fels13 March, 2014

    I can't decide which is my favorite photo. It's a toss up between your cute dog and the selfie with your ladybug friend.

    1. Catherine16 March, 2014

      He is super cute, but impossible to get a good photograph of unless there's a treat hidden behind the camera, as is the case here!

  • What a fun post to "take us" on your walk! My aunt and uncle raised miniature horses many years ago. Gawd, they were adorable despite the stallion being very ornery. All of your photos are amazing! You are a good photographer. I have never had strawberry cider but it sounds delicious! So, yes please I will have a glass. My favorite of the group? Well, I'm biased so I have to go with your dog. What is his/her name?? Good post :)

    1. Catherine16 March, 2014

      Ah, strawberry cider is a treat, my drink of choice wherever it's available - you'll have to track some down and give it a go :)

      Dog's called Finn. He's super cute in real life but normally impossible to get a good photo of unless there's a treat involved!

  • Jess @UsedYorkCity14 March, 2014

    Omg, I'm so in love with that itty bitty hairy pony! I've never seen anything like it, so cute! It looks like you have a wonderful new neighborhood to enjoy, cheers to that!:-)

    1. Catherine16 March, 2014

      It was so little, and such a surprise just noticing it out of the corner of my eye as we were walking down the street!

  • Cute pony! I'm looking forward to taking the dogs for a walk when I visit my family back in England over the summer - hope the weather is still as nice then as it looks in your pics.

    1. Catherine16 March, 2014

      You never know what to expect with the weather in England, we were so lucky that this was such a nice day :)

  • Katrina Elisabet18 August, 2014

    My dog looks like the red-headed sister to yours. So cute!
    I think my favorite picture is the one of you holding the strawberry cider as it's making me verrrry thirsty, and happy hour seems so far away...

    1. Catherine18 August, 2014

      Aww, is yours a collie too? I love collies!

      Ahh, now you've made me thirsty too! I could down a sweet strawberry cider right this second!
