There's a good chance this could be one of the most boring blog posts you'll ever read. I want to share a typical day in my life with you. My boring, not-yet-started-travelling, working-nine-to-five, living-with-my-parents life. 

There is method in my madness though. One day when we're travelling full time I'm going to look back on this and do a compare and contrast with my fun, living-on-the road, seeing-the-world, having-lots-of-adventures life. I'm going to look back and think, 'Wow, I actually did it! I can't believe how much my life has changed.'

07.00: Hit snooze two or three times. Eventually drag myself out of bed. Have some cereal. Brush teeth, do make up, get dressed. Drive to work.

08.30: Arrive at work. Do some research online. Mostly sit in silence, on my own, staring blankly at a computer screen. Occasionally make some phone calls. Sometimes endure my boss waffling on about things I couldn't care less about.

12.00: Eat my lunch, while continuing to stare blankly at my screen. Read some travel blogs and find out about places I could visit in South East Asia.

13:00: Continue researching, sitting in silence, staring blankly at the screen, wishing I was somewhere else.

17.00: Drive home. Have a natter with my mum or sister. Check my emails, read every social media update that has been posted since I last checked, read some more travel blogs.

19.00: Have some dinner. Continue looking at random travel blogs. Have a giggle at some funny pictures on the internet. Watch some television.

21.00: Have a shower. Look at more random websites. Go to bed.

I did warn you. My life really is pretty boring. Okay, I may have exaggerated a little bit. Two or three nights a week I will go over to a friend's house, go out for a drink or go to a zumba class. Weekends tend to be a lot more interesting. But on the whole, life is a little tedious. All of that will be changing soon though, when we start our long term travel adventure!

What does a normal day in your life look like?

PS. My day to day has actually changed quite a bit since I got this awesome new job!


  1. Mike07 March, 2014

    Well, I won't break down my whole daily schedule but I will tell you that I love reading post where folks list their daily itinerary chronologically! I know, I'm weird. I wish lots of people would do this exact same thing in their posts. It's actually a brilliant idea, Catherine! I hope you get your travel mojo on soon. Btw...I wasn't bored reading this and what is a Zumba class? I honestly don't know :)

    1. Catherine07 March, 2014

      Glad you liked it :) Zumba is a type of fitness class, or as their website says, "a global lifestyle brand that fuses fitness, entertainment and culture into an exhilarating dance-fitness sensation". It's only something I've started recently, but is a lot of fun!

  • Jess @UsedYorkCity07 March, 2014

    This will be a GREAT contrast to your traveling life...I bet there will even be days where you'll think, "man, I miss that boring routine I used to have!;-)"

    Love that you mix in fun stuff like zumba and perusing travel blogs, great ideas!

    1. Catherine08 March, 2014

      Haha, I hadn't thought of that, it's difficult to imagine but there will probably be times when I miss this boring routine!

  • Jackie and Joel Smith07 March, 2014

    Catherine, let us be the role models from breaking away from that tedious 8-to-5 workaday world. We quit our jobs long before retirement age and long after we could chalk it up to being crazy 20-somethings. . .we were 'middle-aged' by all standards and we came to the conclusion that we didn't want to end up in a rocking chair one day discussing all that we had missed in the world. (Of course such behavior left friends and family with raised eyebrows regarding our sanity. . when we quit our jobs and set out to see the world.) That said, I should add that we saved and invested every extra penny that we earned in those 8-to-5 jobs-- didn't drive the newest cars, wear the latest clothes or have the latest gadgets - on the road to adventure. It all paid off. There is a grand world out there. . .we write about it every day in our blog (which we hope you will be a regular follower of/subscriber to). Hang in there. . .it will happen!

    1. Catherine08 March, 2014

      I know the feeling, I've had a fair few raised eyebrows from those I've shared our plans with! We're saving as much as possible at the moment, it's hard but doing okay so far, looking forward to it paying off!

  • Silly Medley09 March, 2014

    My life is filled to the brim with teaching full-time and being a full-time graduate student. Reading travel blogs is one of my favorite past times as well :-)

    1. Catherine09 March, 2014

      Reading travel blogs is the only thing that keeps me sane!

  • Brikena09 March, 2014

    haha - i remember when i used to work... my 8:30 would resemble yours somehow.. except between 8:30-9:00 i would just drink my tea and try to still 'wake up'..especially in the winter because i'd still feel like i'd be asleep.

    xo, Brikena

    1. Catherine09 March, 2014

      Always takes far too long to properly wake up!

  • Madagascar vacations10 March, 2014

    We have all experience a boring day like this! and I can tell you that there are many days like this in our lives.

    1. Catherine12 March, 2014

      I know, looking forward to having a more exciting typical day though!

  • Danielle @ The-Lifestyle-Project12 March, 2014

    Yay only a few more months of monotony then you'll be exploring every day (and maybe wishing you had a couple days where you could slow down and catch up on your travel blogs? hehe). That's nice that you have a slower pace to your day so that you can read, blog, prep, etc. for your trip this summer!

    1. Catherine12 March, 2014

      Yes! Though to be honest, we're thinking of pushing the plans a little further back, to save more money so we can travel for longer without worrying about the finances too much. Still so excited though :)
