This weekend, as an early celebration for my birthday, I went to The Barbakan in York for a meal with my family. While it describes itself as an Eastern European restaurant, the menu was mainly comprised of Polish food and drink.

To start I had 'krokiet i barszcz' – a rolled pancake stuffed with mushrooms, accompanied by a beetroot soup. It was delicious! I love mushrooms and I love pancakes, so the combination of the two was perfect for me.

The prize for the best presented starter went to the 'deska wędlin', which Ian ordered. It was basically a selection of hams, sausages, bread and salad, along with pickled mushrooms. Due to the aforementioned love of mushrooms, I made sure I had a little nibble; they were surprisingly good, the earthy tone you would expect but with a nice tangy twist.

Deska wędlin

For my main I tried the 'szwajcar', a pork loin filled with ham and cheese, breaded and fried.


The pork was so juicy and tender, with cheese literally oozing out of it. The chips were fried to perfection; fluffy on the inside and crispy on the outside. Even the salad was amazing, alongside the traditional lettuce, tomatoes and cucumber there was sweet peppers, olives and even a few slices of raw parsnip. I would never have thought to add parsnip to a salad, or even to try raw parsnip, but somehow it really worked.

Again, Ian chose well for the best presented dish. His 'bigos', or traditional Polish stew, came in a bowl made out of bread.


Who needs to travel when you have food like this on your doorstep?!

Have you tried Polish food before?


  1. The food looks sumptuous! I too love pancakes and mushrooms. :)

    1. It really was amazing, pancakes always are :)

  • You make me hungry! I'm glad to see that my countrymen are making successful contributions to York's food scene =)

    1. Looking back at the photos is making me hungry too! You should be proud to be associated with such delicious food :)

  • whywasteannualleave28 February, 2014

    the food looks absolutely delicious - I never realised Polish food is so good!!

    1. Catherine02 March, 2014

      It really is amazing, you should try it if you never have before!
